Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Overall Reflection

For this semester, all of the Biology Education student had to take subject ICT in Biology (TBC3013) which asked us to learn about the usage of technology in teaching and learning. I was taught about the new things which are data logging, modeling and simulation, Interactive White Board (IWB) and E-Portfolio. As my personal opinion, those things are very interesting, interactive and useful in teaching and learning process.

Firstly, I want to share my perceptions towards the Engage, Empower and Enhance model in data logging. Engage model is important to attract and increase interest of student to take part in the lesson. It also can elicit student prior knowledge by give the appropriate question that related to the experiment. The picture and diagram also make student to think and carry out with their own idea. The empower model is a planning and doing the experiment. The results from the experiment completely show by using data logging. Then, student can analyze the data from the results. The question from this part can test understanding of student about the experiment and they can make discussion from the result. The enhance model is based on everyday life situation that they see, taste or feel it by their own. Teacher shows any situation in life that related to the experiment and it can help student easy to understand. Besides that, the student can apply their knowledge in their life.

The value of implementing this model is we can elicit idea of the student about the lesson. From the model also can increase the student interest in practical work and grow up their knowledge about the topic. The difficulties in implementing this model is the teacher must think creatively and come out with original idea to elicit student prior knowledge. I think it was difficult to make the questions in order to make student understand and attract to the lesson.

Data logging, simulation and modelling are suitable and useful in addressing student problems in learning. Data logging which is act as an equipment that used in experiment, which it can give us more accurate reading, help us doing the experiment easier and let us get more readings up to 100,000; which is impossible to get manually. This data logger also help us to do the experiment repeatedly and save our time. Using this equipment, students can do an experiment without wasting their time in obtaining the result because the data logger will help them to take the data and plot the graph. There are many types of sensor that can connect to the data logger such as pulse sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, pH sensor and others. Simulation and modeling are very interesting teaching tool kit. This is very important as a teacher where we have to know how to attract the student attention and make them involve in class. I like use simulation and modelling because we can see the things or process that cannot be seen like molecules of water move, change and easy to control it. 

There are some problems in integrating the use of data logging, simulation and modeling in the classroom. For example, the school does not have data logger equipment. This is because the highly price for the apparatus. Besides that, the sensor easy to broken when student not use properly. So, teachers more like to use experiment manually or traditionally. The facilities like computer for student does not enough to apply simulation and modelling in the classroom. Teacher also faced problem in integrating simulation and modelling for teaching and learning process in order to find suitable video or animation that match to the lesson.

There are several suggestions to solve these problems. The Ministry of Education needs to view school facilities especially from the rural area. All of student from rural or urban school must be exposing about ICT in learning. The teacher must explore more about suitable type of simulation and modelling to use in classroom for teach the lesson.